value. quality care. convenience.
Universal Neonatal Foot Orthotics (UNFO)
Building your Babies First Steps
Universal Neonatal Foot Orthotic (UNFO) is a revolutionary orthopaedic device specifically designed for the treatment of Metatarsus Adductus (MTA) in newborns. UNFO is the first ever short foot brace worn below the ankle, specifically-designed to allow for progressive and dynamic correction of metatarsus adductus. The design adjusts progressively for proper fit, accommodating any stage in diagnosis of metatarsus adductus; mild, moderate and severe. UNFO provides a far superior, safe, and less stressful solution than serial casting for the treatment of metatarsus adductus, also commonly referred to as "pigeon-toed".
Product Details
UNFO’s discrete, breathable, light weight, sandal-like design allows for gentle and comfortable care. The brace spares parents and infants the unnecessary physical and social discomfort they may experience with leg casts, as well as the extra eye on their children playing with them. Additionally, the design adjusts progressively for proper fit, accommodating any stage in diagnosis of metatarsus adductus; mild, moderate and severe. UNFO Med. Ltd. provides a protocol that allows parents the ability to be in control of this simple, user friendly treatment, for all cases of MTA.
The benefits of UNFO;
Easily fitted
Accurately positioned
Comfortably worn
Stress-free treatment for infants and parents
UNFO is currently available in Canada in two colours and sizes, specific for both the left and right foot separately or as a pair. The colours available for purchase are pink and blue. While the two sizes are 7-9cm and 8-10cm. Please note that the size is determined and adjusted by our trained UNFO specialists. Individually UNFO is priced at $475.00 CAD while the pair is $950.00.
It is appropriate for newborns up to 10 months. Treatment is short-term and UNFO Canada's trained specialist's provide support to patients all throughout this time of care. UNFO requires the support of one of our trained professionals to fit and adjust the brace accordingly. Maple Medical Supplies has in-office service along with mobile support at the convenience of your own home, to better support this aspect.